Boarding Release Form Pet's InformationName*Species* Dog Cat BreedAgeSex* M F MN FS Color/MarkingsOwner's InformationName* First Last Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Phone*Start Boarding Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY End Boarding Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Pick Time*Would you like Premium Boarding?* Yes No Would you like a Bath/Grooming while here? (subject to availability)* Yes No Local Emergency Contact Information?Your Contact Information While Gone?Any skin concerns; Itchy / Lumps?Any coughing/sneezing/runny eyes?Have they been to any other boarding/ grooming/daycare facilities within the last 30 days?What Heartworm/Parasite Prevention are they on?Date Last Given?What Flea/Tick Prevention are they on?Date Last Given/Applied?Is Fecal Testing up to date? (in the last 12 months)Do we need to collect?Current Diet:Feeding directions:Are Treats OK?Names of Medications, Dosages, Instructions?If needed, is it okay to administer Composure?*What is Composure? Click HereApproval to post photos/videos on Facebook? Yes No Additional Services Requested:Items Brought in by owner: To Go Home with pet:Food (Brand)Leash & Collar (Color)PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING AND SIGN YOUR AGREEMENT All required vaccinations must be up to date. You must provide proof of vaccination history if not provided by us. If you do not have written documentation, we will call your current veterinary facility to get records. Our requirements are as follows: Dogs- Rabies vaccine, Distemper combination, Kennel cough (Bordetella vaccine){Lyme vaccine recommended but not required.}Cats- Rabies vaccine, FVRCP (upper respiratory){Feline leukemia vaccine recommended but not required.}ALL PETS - Every boarding pet must have a Negative Fecal Test within 1 year of boarding. Every boarding pet must be up to date with monthly Heartworm/Parasite and Flea/Tick Prevention I understand that boarding my pet with your hospital gives Bridgton Veterinary Hospital's (BVH) veterinarians and staff permission to bring my pet up to date with; vaccinations, testing, flea prevention, parasite prevention, and treat any unforeseen illness while my pet is boarding. Vaccines: If any vaccinations are past due, your pet(s) must be vaccinated before boarding for his/her protection, as well as the protection of other pets boarding. If vaccines are not up to date upon arrival, we will administer before placed in boarding and charges will be added to your bill. Flea Prevention: All pets must be on a monthly flea preventative in order to board. If not, your pet will be given a form of flea prevention upon arrival and will be added to your bill. Parasite Prevention: All pets must be free from external (fleas/ticks) and internal parasites (hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms, etc). If internal parasites are found, our doctor(s) will treat your pet at their discretion and the cost of treatment will be added to your bill. PET'S HEALTH: To my knowledge my pet is free of internal and external parasites. I understand and agree that my pet is healthy and will at all times while boarding at BVH have current vaccinations. I am not boarding any pet that has or has had any condition that could potentially jeopardize the health of other pets or people within the last 30 days. DIET/BELONGINGS: We routinely feed Science Diet Sensitive Skin & Stomach. You are welcome to leave a special diet (please give detailed feeding instructions) or any personal articles to make your pet feel more at home. Please understand they may be destroyed by chewing, soiling, etc. by your pet and that BVH is not responsible. MEDICATIONS: We will administer any required medications to your pet(s) for an additional charge. Only medication prescribed by a licensed veterinarian and appropriately labeled will be given. If medications need to be filled or refilled, the charges will be added to your bill. Pets requiring extensive medical monitoring or treatment are considered hospitalized and will be charged an increased boarding fee. DOGS will be exercised outside in a fenced in area for approximately 10-15 minutes three times daily while an assistant cleans and refreshes food and water in the boarding area. On days we are closed (Sundays and Holidays) your pet will only be walked twice daily. Even with extreme caution some dogs can escape over or under fences or through latched gates. While your dog is boarding you may choose one of the following for his/her playtime. Your dog may be kept on a leash while in the fenced yard, or your dog may exercise off leash while in the fenced yard.Please pick one:* Exercise OFF leash in fenced yard Exercise ON leash in fenced yard CATS: Your pets litter box is changed twice daily, and food and water are refreshed each time. Also, your feline pet isn't let out to walk, he/she will remain in their kennel until day of pick up. Although pets may get along great at home, they don't always feel comfortable boarding together in the same kennel. We will be more than happy to try and put your pets in the same run during the day with the understanding that if they are not comfortable, we will split them up. Pets will not be boarded in the same kennel overnight. ADMISSION/ DISCHARGE: Pets may be dropped off and picked up during normal office hours. We are unable to discharge pets after hours or on days we are closed. After regular office hours on weeknights, staff members are not scheduled to be on duty. On Saturday after regular office hours, one kennel assistant is scheduled to attend boarders at 5:30pm. On Sunday, a kennel assistant is scheduled at 8:30am and 5:30pm and is available for discharges at those times Only. Our doctors do not make unscheduled, periodic visits to the hospital to attend animals. PAYMENTS: Boarding is charged for each night of your pet's stay and payments are due and payable at the end of each visit. We accept all major credit cards, cash or check. There will be a $25 NSF charge for returned checks. We do not keep credit card information on file. RIGHT OF REFUSAL: BVH reserves the right to refuse admittance to any dog or dismiss any dog that does not meet or maintain the health, temperament or other boarding standards. The determination shall be made at the sole discretion of Bridgton Veterinary Hospital. By signing you agree to not hold Bridgton Veterinary Hospital or its staff responsible for conditions that often are unavoidable in boarding environments such as, but not limited to: weight loss, rough hair coat, kennel cough, upper respiratory infection, and diarrhea. Pet's also may become nervous/stressed while boarding and show signs of this as well. Note: Some medical problems may not be evident in a kennel environment. All boarding animals are under the supervision of the Veterinarian. Should a medical problem arise during your pet's stay, we will make every effort to contact you to notify you of your pet's status and give you an estimate of treatment. Should the condition be deemed life threatening, of a contagious nature, or of a nature that will worsen without treatment, supportive treatment will be performed and the charges will be added to your bill. Please pick one:* DO NOT give my dog any treatments unless you are able to reach me. Please give my dog any treatments needed until you are able to reach me. I agree to make full complete payment to the hospital at the time of discharge I have read and fully understand the terms and conditions set forth above.Signature of Owner*Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Like Us On FacebookAppointmentsPlease check back later for appointment availibility.Our Location